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‌What should we talk about today well I heard that people were call me hitler on facebook not because it wasn't because of why he was saying it was because of the tone... Yes If I was bitching them now when i just found out I am pregnant and my hormone level are few the roots imagine how bitch I can bitch now and they also say that I curse up i don't fucking curse up i only curse when i am piss And okay I will admit i pissed pretty much most of the time yes call me bitch call me whatever. you know the test has to be a bit hard just a bit because it's not ten pages it's not ten steps that you have to take like on other side because ya I been not their I seen the other test I know what there about so you should just say thank you for this small test of three minutes where the no background noise no trouble transcribing no trouble doing the quiz because you have the answer write their in the guidelines and also you can look at the samples etc. Okay so as I was saying what should we talk about today oh I saw another thing on facebook that I sound like selma hayek really seriously she's make comfort god sick and I am just starting to say that don't assume that my accent is russian which means I am from somewhere around Russia so not mix it get it pretty far away come on another anyway okay let's move on so what I am doing right now right now I am daring at my vodka bottles which of course i can have the first remember I am pregnant. So I am looking that my seen of it absolute and I have some champagne as well and some vine and of course I can have inhaler. So I suppose you didn't like my last test where was I taking about books you know the polonic books chat polonic did you finger out what were say saying there or you just about the test like pretty much everybody does because now we have some groups that are supposed help people guide people but actually what happens is that some times people go in to there small private discussions and someone wants do the test and just as someone that group Hey can you help me out of this question and this question and that how some people get Iran who actually I was supposed be here but it's okay because you have so many rating systems that's ways going to be pulled out yeah saying now blame me because I am such a bit person and I don't sympathise and I don't empathise and all the side saying a word you can think of. I really don't care so if you like me to setup another test which will be so academic and so specific and you have to search all through google to find out what the fucker I am saying then I can do that what I think you will be very happy with this one
Have a Great Day.

Referral earning OneAD is Refer and Earn + Shop and Save mobile app. Install this free app become a member and earn up to 2.5 Lakh Rs per month. Your referral code for registration is 94Y4BZ88


  1. Its really helpful for me, a waiting for more new post. Keep Blogging! thank you.
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